Book Blogger Hop January 29 - February 4, 2021


January 22-28, 2021

This weeks question

Do you share books? If so, do you have a system to keep track of whom you lend books to? 

(submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

My answer

Nope, I don't share any of my books.  I never have and probably never will.  I like to keep my stuff all to myself.  Maybe it comes from being an only child.  :)


  1. My mom and I used to share books when she was still alive but I don't share any with anyone now.

    1. My mom and I don't read anything alike or she would have a lot to read from my shelves. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I borrow books from my Mum but I'd be horrified if she knew some of the stuff I read 🤣. I would lend ebooks, but you can't do that in the UK, but not physical books.

    1. Oh my! I don't read the same kind of books my mom does either. I would be fine if she read the same as me. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Fellow only child here! If I intend to keep a book, I don't share it. If I'm done with a book, I'll pass it along to someone who wants to read it.

    1. Oh yeah for another only child! :) I keep all my books whether I have already read them or not. Haha Thanks for stopping by!

  4. My circle of who I loan to is very small. It isn't often I loan out books. I am more likely to give a book away. If I had the space, I would probably keep all my books. :-) I hope you have a great week!

    1. I wish I had more space for physical books too. I don't give any away though. I will find somewhere to put them. :) Thanks for stopping by!


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