Book Blogger Hop February 26 - March 4, 2021


February 26 - March 4, 2021

This week's question

Do you use Goodreads to keep track of your books? 

(submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

My answer

I do!  I have been using Goodreads to keep track of my books for probably about 16 years.

How about you?  Do you use Goodreads to keep track of your books?


  1. I am not sure when I started using Goodreads, but I know it's been about 16 years since I started tracking what I read. I only use Goodreads to track books I have finished reading at this point. I use another site for tracking all the books I own.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I use Goodreads to track both what I want to read, what I have read and what I own. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

  2. I've only been using GR for a few years - about a year after I got back into reading. I do love it just because of how easy it is to search for books I've reviewed and the ability to add it to various shelves.

    1. I really like Goodreads, it is easy to use too. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I actually started using Goodreads about 12 or so years ago, but then I wiped all of my bookshelves when I got back into blogging and have been regretting my rash decision ever since! Time to build it all back up again lol!

    1. Oh no! I hope you get it all built back up again. I don't have every book I have ever read on there but a lot. It's great to use. Thanks for stopping by!


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