Title Of Book: Defiance (Strange Angels #4)
Author: Lili St. Crow
Publisher: Razorbill
Rating - 5 stars
Level – Young adult
Genre – Urban Fantasy
Source – Paperback (Purchased)
Summary – From Goodreads
Now that sixteen-year-old Dru's worst fears have come true and Sergej has kidnapped her best friend Graves, she'll have to go on a suicidal rescue mission to bring him back in one piece.
That is, if she can put all of Christophe's training to good use, defeat her mother's traitor, Anna, once and for all, and manage to survive another day...
My Review
This fourth book in the Strange Angels series was amazing! I mean where do I even begin, it was so much fun to read. The characters were better than ever and we even got to meet some new ones.
Things keep changing for Dru, both good and bad. Graves is missing, Anna wants her dead and she’s not sure who she can trust anymore. Christophe wants to have a romantic relationship with Dru and keep her safe at the same time. Dru's main focus is to find Graves alive and well. However she doesn't know where he is or what if anything has happened to him. Anna puts them all in more danger than ever before and there are others among them who are traitors.
I enjoyed getting to meet Dru's new friend Nathalie. She is a cool wulfen girl who Shanks has a thing for. We don't really get to know much about her though. She is taking care of, watching overDru and taking her out for some fun even when it's not allowed. Then there is Ash, the broken wufen. I am excited to see how his character develops more in this next book.
This book was so fun to read, full of excitement, romance, action and suspense. I really enjoyed reading it. I am excited to read the next and what I believe is the last book in the series.
That sounds really fun.