Review: Reckoning (Strange Angels #5) by Lili St. Crow


Title Of Book: Reckoning (Strange Angels #5) 

Author: Lili St. Crow

Publisher: Razorbill

Rating - 5 stars

Level – Young adult

Genre – Urban Fantasy

Source – Paperback (Purchased)

Summary – From Goodreads

Nobody expected Dru Anderson to survive this long. Not Graves. Not Christophe. Not even Dru. She's battled killer zombies, jealous djamphirs, and bloodthirsty suckers straight out of her worst nightmares. But now that Dru has bloomed into a full-fledged svetocha — rare, beautiful, and toxic to all vampires — the worst is yet to come.

Because getting out alive is going to cost more than she's ever imagined. And in the end, is survival really worth the sacrifice?

My Review

Reckoning is the last book in the Strange Angels series, as far as I know.  I really hope that the author decides to write another one though.  This book was full of action, suspense and some romance.  I couldn't put it down. 


This book picks up where the last one left off.  Dru, Graves and Ash are going to try to get as far away from everyone and everything that is trying to kill them.  They start their journey and end up at a place Dru knows all too well.  Just when they think they are safe for awhile that is when everything takes an unexpected turn.  Everything goes from bad to worse very quickly.  There is so many exciting moments but I suggest you read the book to find out what happens.


I have really enjoyed reading this entire series.  Every book brought something new and exciting to the characters and the story.  However I was a bit disappointed with the ending.  I mean there are so many unanswered questions and like a cliffhanger ending with the characters.  I was just left thinking wait what.  This can't be the end of the series.  I need to know so many more things.  This is why I hope that the author decides to write another book or books in this series.  Overall I would recommend reading this book and the series.

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