Title Of Book: Stargazer (Evernight #2)
Author: Claudia Gray
Publisher: Harper Teen
Rating - 5 Stars
Level – Young adult
Genre – Urban Fantasy
Source – Paperback (purchased)
Summary – From Goodreads
Te vampire in me was closer to the surface . . .
Bianca, born to two vampires, has always been told her destiny is to become one. But she has fallen in love with Lucas, a vampire hunter who infiltrated Evernight Academy, the exclusive vampire boarding school she attends. Bianca will do anything to be with Lucas, even if it means lying to the powerful vampires of Evernight.
Her deceit leads her to dig deep into the mysteries of the school, and Bianca discovers that even those she trusts the most have their own dark secrets. When a ghostly force begins attacking Evernight—and targeting Bianca—she learns a shocking truth about her past that will forever change her future.
My Review
I loved Stargazer just as much
and maybe slightly more than Evernight. The story had many more surprises than
I was expecting. I really enjoyed reading it and am looking forward to
continuing with this series.
Bianca is trying to adjust to having a somewhat
long distance at times relationship with Lucas. They can’t really communicate
because someone would find out. I loved how the author set up Bianca and
Balthazar’s relationship or lack there of. I don’t want to give away any
spoilers but it was so good. I loved that we got to learn more about Balthazar
and some of his story. I actually was kind of rooting for Bianca and Balthazar
to have a real romantic relationship but at the same time I do actually like
Lucas with her too.
There was a lot going on in this book with the
wraiths and vampires. But there were times when it just seemed calm and
relaxed. Then the author throws a curve ball in there and the story goes to
action filled again. The ending was a real shocker for me. I think my mouth
fell open and stayed there for a few minutes. I could not believe what was
happening. Overall a great sequel. I am excited to start reading Hourglass and
see what happens next!
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