Book Blogger Hop - April 15-21. 2022


April 15-21, 2022

This week's question

Do you prefer to leave book jackets on or off while reading? 

(submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My answer

I prefer to leave the book jackets on while reading.  I never take the book jackets off of a book, whether it is sitting on a shelf or if I am reading it. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, it just keeps the book in great shape. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I take them off, this is a habit I learned from my dad, and my thing with this is I prefer to keep my books in the best condition possible and dust jackets can so easily be damaged. But I also get why readers like to leave them on too, I only take them off to read the book though, otherwise I keep them on.

    1. That is a good reason. I leave them on the book though, even when I am reading it. Thanks for stopping by!


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