Blog Tour + Excerpt + Giveaway: Princess?...I Think Not! (A Princess Series Novel) by Ashley Brooke Robbins


Princess? …I Think Not!
Ashley Brooke Robbins
(A Princess Series Novel)
Published by: Inkspell Publishing
Publication date: March 14th 2017
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult

The Royal Family Just Got a Little Bigger….

My name’s Baily King and I’ve always considered myself different—liking dead roses, cemeteries, reading fully clothed in the bathtub, and howling at the moon whilst dancing naked under it. But, when my grandma, a woman I scarcely remember, comes for a visit, she opens her mouth and my weird world crashes down all over my combat-booted feet.

See, dear Gram is dying and wishes for me to accept my royal name. Turns out she finally left a small village south of Ireland—a village that her and her husband rule. Pfft. No pressure.

Bam, you’re a Princess. Wear your tiara and shut up.


“Will that be all?” The lady beams like they put a thousand sunshines into her coffee. Everyone turns chipper when they see such a pretty man then they turn bitter when said pretty person leaves. I know from experience.

“Dimitri,” I growl.

He smiles. “Yes, thank you.” Coming back over to me, he gives me a smug, beyond-sexy smile. Hell, I bet when this man sneezes, it’s still bloody attractive. “Baily?”

I cross my arms over my chest.

“Will you please let me—Dimitri, your friend—do something nice for you? Something friends are allowed to do, even in the South?”

I narrow my eyes, but when he just stands there, I give in. “Fine,” I grumble, holding my hand out.

He makes a circular motion with his finger, signaling for me to turn around. With a huff, I do. “Every now and then…” he rumbles in my ear, and I tense when gooseflesh rises on my skin. It’s eighty-degrees, I’m sweating like a pig, but in this moment, I don’t mind the body heat radiating off him. What is this sorcery? “You deserve something for yourself. I’ve only known you for a short time, and in that time, you’ve only thought of others. Promise me you’ll think of yourself upon occasion, too.”

“I make no such promise,” I grumble, turning back to face him. “But thank you.”

“Aww,” the girl behind the register says. “I wish my boyfriend did something like that for me.”

I smile at her, not in the mood to try to explain he’s not my boyfriend but bodyguard. Because my grandma’s kinda a queen of a village called MacAleese, which is on the south side of Ireland and I’m of the royal family. I just didn’t know about it until…bam, you’re a freakin’ princess, wear your tiara and shut up. Yeah, that might make someone ask a few questions or draw a little bit of unwanted attention.


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Author Bio:

Ashley’s favorite things in life are mythology, history, things that go bump in the night, and everything mystical. One day when she was a teenager, she couldn’t find a book she wanted to read, so she decided to write it herself. And, so it began because she’s twenty-six now.

You’ll most likely find her with her two dogs, bringing something to life, a world through a story, a creature through art, or …something else. Like strong coffee.


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  1. Thanks for being on the tour! :)

    1. Thank you for having me be a part of the tour. It was my pleasure!


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