Title Of Book: Songbird (The GriffinSong Trilogy #1)
Author: J. Victoria Michael
Publisher: Odyssey Books
Rating - 3 Stars
Level – Adult
Genre – Fantasy
Source – e-book (review copy)
Summary – From Goodreads
A twentieth century woman is lost in a fantasy world with nothing but the clothes on her back and her innate humanity. This is the story of her compelling need to redefine herself.
When Irenya O’Neil suffers a panic attack and falls into the realm of Dar Orien, a world with a failed MageGate system, she finds herself unable to return home to her infant son – she is trapped in a nightmare that tests her sanity.
Confronted with evidence that she possesses a Gift of power, Irenya attempts to control her fledgling talent through music. This could be her ticket home. But Irenya becomes mired in the civil unrest that has befallen Dar Orien. Sickened by the bloodshed and fearful for her own safety, Irenya is desperate to find her way home.
My Review
Songbird is the first book in the GriffinSong Trilogy. It has an interesting plot and a good story building for what is to come. I enjoyed the book and am interested to find out what happens next.
Irenya lives in Australia with her boyfriend and their infant son Mikey. One night while out to do some quick grocery shopping she somehow finds herself transported to a different realm. At first she has no idea what is going on or how she got to Dar Orien. Everyone there is very suspicious of her and thinks that she is there to somehow cause trouble. The people seem to think that she is "gifted". It takes some time but then most of the people there start to become more friendly towards Irenya. Some even become good friends of hers. I found myself questioning if the relationships were real or if there were other intentions to find out the real truth about Irenya.
The first half of the book seemed to be focused on Irenya finding a way back home through the mirror that she somehow came through. There are lots of things going on throughout and the second half of the book was more action filled, exciting and interesting. By the end I was invested in the characters and want to find out what is next for Irenya. I was provided an e-book copy in exchange for an honest review.
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Lots of action in a book tends to make me want to read faster. lol
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