Stacking The Shelves - February 18, 2023


Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! 

And audiobooks. Don’t forget audiobooks!

In other words, if you can read it or if it can be read to you – no matter how you got it – 

it belongs in Stacking the Shelves.

Hosted by Reading Reality

Book that I received this past week

(ARC e-book for review)

What book or books did you receive this week?


  1. That cover is intriguing. I'm also always amazed by people with short lists. How do you exercise that much self-control? Have a wonderful weekend.

    Here's my STS if you care to visit -

    1. Haha I used to buy a lot of books all the time but I have so many that I just don't buy many. I love to get free ones though!

  2. Have a terrific week and put your feet up and enjoy this book!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Thank you! I am enjoying it so far. Have a great week!

  3. I'm impressed - just one book this week. Hope you enjoy it!

    1. Yes, I don't really go out and buy many books. I do love getting books for review though!


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