Title Of Book: Determined (Four Stars Over Ardatz: Sovereigns Book 4)
Author: Kandi J. Wyatt
Publisher: Kandi J. Wyatt
Rating - 4 Stars
Level – Young Adult
Genre – Fantasy
Source – e-arc, e-book (review copy)
Summary – From Goodreads
18-year-old Siobhan’s lived a sheltered life until the Navwood attacked and a dragon bonded with her husband. Twice she’s been abducted and lives with the terrors from those events. Her husband, the dragon king, is more interested in spending time with his dragon than with her or fulfilling his duties as king. Siobhan’s jealousy over his bond with his dragon feeds her fear of what it’d be like if he becomes draconic. When she sees him with scales and talons, her fears are realized. But when the Navwood send an assassin to kill their daughter, Hest marches to war, leaving her and their daughter in the protection of a palace guard. Unfortunately, the dangers of war are closer to home than either realized. Abducted anew, Siobhan must face her fears. When Hest returns, it’ll take all her courage to face the pressures from the court—let alone the changes war has wrought on him. Can their marriage survive the pressures from without as well as within?
My Review
Determined is a good mix of action, suspense, heartbreak and romance. The story is a bit more dark than the previous books but just as good.
Siobhan is the main character and it is written from her point of view in this installment of the series. It was nice to hear from Siobhan and what she thinks of herself and everyone around her. She is adjusting to becoming a new wife, mother and Queen. It is difficult for her and her husband, the King, Hest is not much help at all. All he seems to want to do is either spend time with his Arc Lukesure or argue with Siobhan.
It seems that is all they do is argue about everything. Hest wants to be a good husband, King and father but he is really struggling in this book. He struggled in the past but everything is just building up and becoming to much for him. He is turning more dragon with each passing day. Siobhan and Hest are both jealous with things the other is doing or who is involved more closely in their lives. There are so many rumors circulating around the castle about Hest and also about his relationship with Siobhan.
If that is not enough the Navwood have sent an assassin to
kill the princess. Will it become an all
at war or will Hest be able to stop the Navwood from harming his family? This book is filled with lots of action,
suspense and lots of twists and turns. I
was surprised by many events that happened throughout. I am looking forward to reading the next book
in this amazing series! This e-arc,
e-book was provided to me for my honest review.
This did not affect my review in any way.
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