Title Of Book: Soul Bound (Blood Coven Vampire #7)
Author: Mari Mancusi
Publisher: Berkley Trade
Rating - 5 Stars
Level – Young adult
Genre – Urban Fantasy
Source – Paperback - purchased
Summary – From Goodreads
Sunny McDonald and her vampire boyfriend, Magnus, are on the run-accused of treason and wanted alive...or undead. And her twin is the slayer sent to track them down. Rayne would do anything to save her twin sister, Sunny, from the Vampire Consortium dictator who wants her dead. Instead, she's been commissioned by Slayer Inc. to find Sunny and Magnus and deliver them to the Consortium...which Rayne knows means certain death. She also knows that if she and her boyfriend, Jareth, disobey orders, they are signing not only their own death warrants, but also those of every vampire in the Blood Coven.
As a rival slayer with a personal vendetta moves in, Rayne and Jareth must do something to stop her. So they embark on their most dangerous journey yet, deep beneath the streets of New York City and through the Gates of the Underworld. But when a greedy god demands the ultimate sacrifice, will Rayne be forced to choose between her sister...and the vampire she loves?
My Review
This series just seems to get better with each book. I loved reading Soul Bound and having it told by Rayne. She is my favorite twin in this series.
Sunny and Magnus are on the run because they have been accused of treason. Rayne doesn't even know where they are at the moment but she wants to find them and fast. Rayne soon finds out that her next assignment with Slayer Inc. is to find Sunny and Magnus. Things are not what they seem though and Rayne needs to find them before Bertha or the Vampire Consortium does first. When Rayne gets a lead on where they are hiding her and Jareth head there to try and warn them before it is too late.
As I have stated previously my favorite twin in this series is Rayne. I really like her personality. She doesn't back down from anyone, is a wild card, you never know what she is going to do next. Her and Jareth's relationship is tested in this installment. There are a lot of things that happen and that change the twins lives forever. I loved how the author had the underworld with Hades set up. I enjoyed reading the entire book but the time that they were in the underworld was great. I like Race, the rock star too. He is so funny at times and is a bit of a wild card like Rayne.
The ending we are left with quite the cliffhanger, I mean it is a real game changer. I am looking forward to see how this is all going to play out. This series is so much fun to read and I recommend reading it if you haven't started it yet!
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