Book Blogger Hop - June 14-20, 2024


June 14-20, 2024

This week's question

What's your go-to book to start the summer, and why does it set the tone for the season? 

(submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My Answer

I don't have a go-to book to start the summer but if anyone has any suggestions I would be happy to hear them!


  1. Me neither. I just go with whatever Blog Tour I am on!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. I don't usually read books that are part of a blog tour that I am participating in. That is a good idea though!

  2. I wish I did have a suggestion for you, but I am not sure what mine will be either! I hope whatever you decide to read will be good! Have a great weekend, Jamie!

    1. No problem. I always find something good to read though!


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