Book Blogger Hop - July 12-18, 2024


July 12-18, 2024

This week's question

July is the month for reading by the pool or on the beach. What's your favorite summer beach book, and why is it suitable for a sunny day?

(submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

My Answer

I don't read seasonal themed books unless it just happens to be a book that I am reading.  I don't look for these type of books to read much though.  If you have a suggestion that you think I would be interested in reading feel free to put it in the comment section though.


  1. Any book makes a good summer/beach read, I think. I'm like you in that it really comes down to whatever I am reading at the time. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I'm the same as you - my beach read would be whatever I was reading when I went to the beach, and I'll happily read anything anywhere


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