Book Blogger Hop - September 20-26, 2024

September 20-26, 2024

This week's question

September is a busy month for literary events and book awards. Are there any award-winning books or authors you're eager to read, or any forthcoming book events you intend to go to or cover on your blog? 

(submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My Answer

I have never attended a book event.  I love reading so many books by such great authors!  I don't really have any right now that I am eager to read.  I am trying to get caught up with review books and books that have been on my to read list for so long.



  1. I've not been to anything either, but I have been invited to a book launch in October which sounds like fun!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. A book launch sounds fun! I hope you have a great weekend too!

  2. I haven't attended a book event either. I live in the middle of nowhere! lol

  3. I was just thinking that I will be attending a book club this coming weekend--I didn't think of that when I responded to this week's question. Does it count as a literary event? I hope you have a great week!

  4. I been too busy this September to go to any book events. Last month I went to the Book Festival in DC.


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