Title Of Book: The Mobster's Daughter
Author: Daniel Willard
Publisher: Daniel Willard
Rating - 5 Stars
Level – Young adult
Genre – Contemporary
Source – e-book (review copy)
Summary – From Goodreads
Danny couldn't understand why he was so attracted to Carly, because they didn't have a lot in common. Danny was quiet; Carly couldn’t stop talking. Danny loved science and math; Carly was terrified of them. Danny read science fiction; Carly read Harlequin romances. Danny’s favorite band was Pink Floyd; Carly had never heard of Pink Floyd.
It was only later that Danny found out that Carly's father was a Mafia boss. That made things complicated, because Danny’s father was an FBI agent.
The Mobster’s Daughter is a tale set in Youngstown, Ohio, a blue collar city of giant steel mills and back-room bookie joints, close-knit families and unsolved disappearances, church festivals and car bombs.
My Review
The Mobster's Daughter is a well written book that I could not put down! I don't read many contemporary books but I really enjoyed this one. It weaves teenage drama, family and mobster's all in one book. I also enjoyed all the nostalga from the 70's era.
Daniel is a teenager living in the 1970's with his family who are such a wholesome family that you will enjoy reading about. I really enjoyed getting to know Daniel's family, his parents are so great and his two sisters are funny. He loves science, math and enjoys reading books. Carly lives with her single mom, loves the color orange and has some secrets that she tries to keep to herself. Her dad comes around once in awhile although she would rather not see him at all.
When school starts for the year he meets this new girl who love the color orange and seems to never stop talking. At lunch one day Carly starts talking to Daniel and they realize that they really have nothing in common although there is an attraction between them. Once they start dating Daniel finds out that Carly's dad is a mob boss. Daniel's dad is an FBI agent. This doesn't normally mix well but Carly's dad doesn't live with her and her mom so it doesn't make too much difference to them at first. Then things start taking a turn for the worse when more secrets are revealed and more violence starts happening.
There is so much to this story. There is the romance between Daniel and Carly, friendships, family time and a great plot. There is also a lot of violence with mob wars going on in their city. I enjoyed the book from start to finish. I loved the ending and I would recommend this book! This e-book was provided to me for review. This did not affect my review in any way.
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